Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What Can Readers Expect to Find in "Write or Wrong: Games People Play Online and Offline"

Here are the 10 reasons why anyone should buy my book. Reason 1: If you feel or have experienced book rejection or any other rejection, you will learn how important rejections are in life and why you should welcome them. Reason 2: If you hate mediocrity, this book is just for you. In fact failure is preferable to mediocrity. Reason 3: The book claims everyone is a writer and reader alike today and you must constantly and effectively use content to communicate today. Reason 4. You will learn some of the dirty secrets of the publishing world. Reason 5. The book will also help you find some of the answers you have been seeking - are you fated to be in a career? Does God exist? Is there something called destiny? Reason 6: If you like or dislike interacting with others, the book will reveal some of the inner meanings of conversations and the body language. Reason 7: The book explains in subtle ways how the stories come to be written and how they get to be published, how the publishers contact you and what they expect from you. Reason 8. Here is a secret that this book reveals: You only need to convince your employers or publishers that you can be profitable to them. How do you do that? Learn it in the book. Reason 9: Ultimately, you must take this lesson well: Never ever think of your personal gain but just focus on how you can be of help and value to others with your skills. Reason 10: You will need to read the last chapter of this book to learn of this reason which is just extraordinary reason, not yet revealed....

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